I first started work at a small local law firm back in the summer of 2005. My colleagues were, shall we say, people who looked like they enjoyed their food! This was fine by me of course since I equally loved my food but my waist size never showed it hehe. I like good food but wouldn't pass the odd Haribo sweet brought in and the delight when I hear 'cakes in the kitchen' when one of my 35 or so colleagues' birthday it was, they would kindly leave an assortment of cakes in the kitchen for the rest of us - to celebrate another year gone, another belt size slackened.. so this cake treat would happen EVERYTIME someone in the office had a birthday.. I love this job. I'd also like to announce that I was the founder of 'Bacon Roll Friday', what better way to end the week?
So anyway, the point of this blog and pictures of a chocolate fountain - the bribe. My boss let me down last year when she made the new years resolution of dieting and keeping fit, and keeping the bloody resolution! By then my greedy eating and 3 course lunches were notorious, people knew the way to my heart was through my stomach. So one day a secretary was particularly busy with work, we're a team but lets face it - who wants to mop up someone elses mess? My boss, sensing my blatant *snort when it came to 'helping others' gave me a little challenge.. help shift the other secretary's work and my prize would be a chocolate fountain. The bitches knew how to get me. So that I did and slaved away for the rest of the week to win this beauty. Our office chocolate fountain. Ok, it's not mine but heck on every special occasion which can range from a birthday to it's sunny today it comes out and gets a rinsing. Long live chocolate covered bribes.
Just looking at that thing has added a couple of inches to my waistline! Question: What chocolate do you use?
It is specially made chocolate for fountains. You can make your own with normal chocolate mixed with vegtable oil but it never tastes the same!
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