Friday 28 December 2012

A new Xmas Tradition: The Ham

I have never cooked a huge ham for Xmas. With only one unhappy recollection of very dry gammon slices (served with pineapple!) at a friend's house almost two decades ago, I wasn't prone to trying anytime soon. However, with more family coming into town this Xmas and hams on sale at the supermarket, this proved too much for my mother-in-law to resist. Result being - I was given a ham to cook. After some internet research, I decided to glaze the ham with a glaze consisting of honey, mustard, brown sugar and butter. 3 careful hours later at 325F resulted in a succulent, juicy, incredibly tender ham. Served with a smorgsbord of cheeses, smoked salmon spiral, pickled herrings, cornichons, bread and salad. Of course, a big ham just keeps on giving - ham sandwiches the next day, ham and aspargus alfredo for dinner and of course, I kept and boiled the ham bone for over 4 hours to make a ham and swede soup. What's on the menu tonight? Maybe a ham stir-fry....

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